So the house is nearly finished and I'm just getting around to posting pictures of the process - or what I have. I thought I had taken more pictures but I guess with the monstrous first trimester I had, I wasn't picking up the camera as often - or as soon- as I thought. I didn't think I had pictures even of pre-demo but I found some in the deep recesses of my laptops picture files (Tony gets angry when he sees how many pictures are on here. What does he expect...hello photography...)
This is the house the day after Christmas. It has asbestos siding and roofing on it here... not nice.
This was the closed in porch area. It gets torn off to make way for a 2 story addition.
I love the original staircase. Something charming about it so we kept it. Its covered in layers and layers of lead paint. You would not believe how thick this stuff is. That has to come off. We're still in the process. Its mahogany underneath. Hopefully we'll get it restored with no damage to the underlying wood. If not we'll just repaint it similar to how it is. I kind of like that look anyway- goes with the house.
I forgot to mention earlier- this was Tony's great grandfathers house on his farm. We had the option of tearing it down and restarting but being a history buff and the fact that it was family, we decided restoring it would be much more rewarding.
The floors are hardwood through most of it and we decided to refinish them as well to retain that authenticity. They won't be pristine brand new wood floors but they'll still look nice and have character.
Tearing down the ugly side porch. They've also torn off the shingles and some siding.
The shingles are off and new addition is on you can tell the difference by looking at the roof. There is more house here lol.
New roof is on and the siding is coming off. I was so happy to see that gone!!
Just the wood shed out back. I just love the dark wood for picture backdrops. Very rustic.
We've had new bathtubs at the house for quite some time. Much easier getting them through with no walls...As you can obviously see in this picture- the house was gutted entirely. This however is in the new addition part of the house- hence no outside walls at this point.
Bathtubs in what will be my dining room....
Gutted room. and I think part of the upstairs addition?? Not sure :S I want to say its taken from the master bedroom into the new addition upstairs...
Ella's bedroom. The only way to Laci's room was through Ella's at this point. It will be closed off and their closets will be on the same wall seperating their rooms. There will be a little foyer type area at the top of the steps into the new addition where you can go up the rest of the stairs to the master bedroom and Ella's or the other direction to the wash room, bathroom and to the right to Laci's room. Tony and I have access to the bathroom also through our room.
Laci's room taken from Ella's I believe...Her room originally had a small staircase that led down into the kitchen. It was taken out. Tony told her they were putting in a fireman's pole and ladder for entrance to her room. (this was when they only way through to hers was through Ella's). She was excited. Her best friend Mia wants to move in with us and I'm fairly certain it was the fireman pole feature that piqued her interest.
Dining room again. It has a beautiful view of the barn and pasture. Ella already stands at the door and window (obviously not shown here) and watches the cows. HER cows.
Very jealous. I'd love to remodel an old house. Major item on my list of things to do! It's going to look great!