The role of a pastor is to lead and guide, like a shepherd,
the people under their care in the church – their flock . Now more times than
not pastors are wise and use discretion- the task of leading people through
this journey of life is a heavy mantle to put on.
From the time I was in youth group, I’ve made friends with
many pastors. Tony being a pastoral major at Bible College, we made many more
pastor friends, Our wedding looked like some Assembly of God convention. and since then I’ve been friends and continue to be friends
with pastors and pastor wives in different stages of their ministry.
about me screams- confide in me… it happens often, people I haven’t even spoken
to in years will message me when they’re going through a rough time, people I’ve
just barely met bare innermost secrets, I don’t know why- it just happens.
And so,some of these numerous pastoral friends through the years,
too have shared a lot with me.
Being a pastor is a difficult job yall. And one
thing they’ve shared is just how heavy is the burden to lead people.
They are tasked with a sacred job, and most bear that burden
with thoughtfulness and care. They make sure what they’re speaking of to their
congregations is rooted in truth as positively as they can.
They search out
the meanings in the original context in the languages the word was written –
because in the Bible context is EVERYTHING.
They don’t posit a theory or
teaching without being absolutely sure that what they’re saying is grounded in
the truth.
Because people, God isn’t a tricky little prankster. He doesn’t hide the truth- it’s not hard to understand what he means. He doesn’t make us go on a spiritual scavenger hunt through a briar patch trying to unearth what he “really” meant. It’s plain. It really is.
Its when you seek to twist turn pervert the simple blunt easily discovered truths to FIT into YOUR own context, YOUR own meaning, YOUR own agenda – that’s when it gets tricky.
But a good pastor doesn’t do that because they understand
they are held accountable for what they lead their flock into and so it is with
that heavy weight on their shoulders they carefully but boldly proclaim the
truths of God to those under their care because they want you and I to flourish
on this Christian journey. They want to help prevent us from making the same
missteps that they may have made or been led into on their journey.
There literally
like a guide for us- "look out there’s a tree root don’t trip"," the hill up here
is steep but just push on you’ll make it up". "The path ahead is rocky but just
beyond it is a stream if you look really hard you’ll see, we can refresh there." "
Its dark but I’ve got this torch I’ll
light, stick close we will make it through together."
But then there are times when your guide, gets lost. And it
doesn’t mean they’re a bad person.
They may well have a good heart. Maybe they
aren’t cut out for the enormous task of pastor, but forced into by other
people, family, or expectations as they grew up.
Maybe they were but just have
become disillusioned and disinterested in truth and interested in all the other
things of the world.
Its really tricky for the sheep in this situation.
But since
we aren’t actually brainless sheep, we have some accountability.
If your
shepherd starts veering off the well-worn path into thickets and brambles under
deep forest coverage that the deeper you walk the darker it (or they) gets...sometimes
you have to make the decision to turn back and find that otherwise guide, who
knows the way.
Especially if, you’ve talked to the pastor. "Um are you sure this
is the path?"...." I’m really concerned, maybe you’re just a bit side tracked." ...." I know
you’re a great person and you do love God. ....But yeah I don’t recognize this AT
ALL"…."do you notice we are all alone here? No one seems to be seeing what you’re
seeing and I uh, don’t know that you’re 100 percent here"…"We’ve been through a
lot together but this doesn’t feel right"…"I’m just going to go and find someone
else to guide me out of here…"
I’ve (mostly) kept my mouth shut but I am really worried
about how some pastors take a good bit of liberty with what is biblical and
what is fantastical conjecture.
I’m totally fine with reading into conspiracies
and weird strange possibilities for fun .But when you start presenting that
stuff as truth from a pulpit to people who hold what you say as one speaking
for God, because that’s what congregations do- we trust pastors to be speaking
for God to us, because that’s what they do- maybe not in the sense as a prophet
but as one interpreting his Word for us to take it from the page and apply to
life- then you've crossed a line that shouldnt be crossed, breached a trust, abused power.
Reading apocryphal books and preaching their elements like
the Book of Enoch, the Gospel of Judas and all the other ones- not ok! Read on
your own time if you want (as long as you’re rooted in truth and won’t be
deceived) but if your pastor is preaching from these books please hear me –
this isn’t normal, healthy or good for your soul.
Things like Nephilim which are mentioned in
two EXTREMELY vague verses in the bible are being preached as if they’re some
kind of certainty. You can’t base theories on two vague verses.
Of course the
book of Enoch sheds a lot more light on them but it isn’t canonical! Its not
accepted as truth. Its as legit a source as Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s
Stone (which me just mentioning this means in a witch I am sure by the thoughts
of many)
In fact Harry Potter, has mover value because it actually has valuable
lessons and lines up as biblical allegory much more than the Book of Enoch. I’m
fine with people reading what they want even discussing for kicks and giggles
with people but when one starts preaching from a platform in a church as
someone who’s supposedly called by God and delivering a “word” for the people.
Its not ok!!! The bible warns against this numerous times. Its called false
teaching folks.
“I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive” Romans 16:17-18.
We are not to listen to this nonsense. Not indulge it at
all. This verse about those who teach these things goes hand in hand with this
one that talks about where those teachings come from. And its no secret that people who preach these things claim to have some inside knowledge other churches don't posess. "We are the only ones" or " one of the few preaching the truth" (thats cult speak folks.)
“For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their OWN DESIRES and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear.”2 Timothy 4:3
Look, reading the same things in the bible can get old, aparently. Some
people like to spice it up looking for “mysteries” and all the vague things
implied like the aforementioned Nephilim.
Like this verse says those desires
can become greater and overcome some
people to the point they just push aside all the sound teaching and allow their
minds to be warped by garbage masquerading as biblical truth.
And to the second
half of the verse speaking of looking for teachers who will tell them whatever
their itching ears want to hear.
Yes! Instead of looking to the solid men and women of God
they once sought wisdom and guidance from they look to anyone they can find
that espouses their beliefs- namely creepers on the net.
Yes we live in an age where you can not only find but
connect with people who will espouse whatever nut bag belief and theory you
want to posit.
And if you’re so desperate
for someone to validate your belief you blindly accept them and their dubious credentials.
Sorry “credentials” because credentials here means: has a YouTube channel or
free internet based radio show…or blog…or read a book that one time.
Yes, you can validate any insane theory you want by a simple
google search. BUT just because you found your conspiracy site soul mate it
does not mean you are correct. And heck if you want to skip down the bramble
path into secret occult symbols, illuminati, aliens and luciferian overlords, by
golly grab yourself a picnic basket and skip away.
But if you are in a church
leadership position. YOU DON”T HAVE THAT FREEDOM. You’ve given yourself
(supposedly) over to the mantle of pastor of shepherd , of protector. You need to
keep your mind on things above that are good and holy (no I’m not typing the
You aren’t supposed to speculate into dark secrets made up by some
27 year old creeper still living in his mom’s basement and making “videos” for YouTube.
And you sure has heck don’t get to stand up in front of a congregation at a
pulpit and preach it as truth. You shouldn’t even open your congregation up to
it as “possibility” because you are leading them astray! Why don’t you just
throw some honey on them before you feed them to the wolves…?
This is not Christianity. This is not preaching. THIS IS NOT HEALTHY.
(I’m talking to you, who sit through this non sense and let it to put questions into your brain…)
When youtube starts to be a source for your truth- you’re
venturing way off the path and probably already walking off a cliff. And if you’re a pastor you’re leading lots of
several innocent lives off with you.
God does not hide truth. He’s not sadistic. He doesn’t tease you. He wants you to know truth to live in –
You do NOT have to skulk around the internet to find out
what GOD really meant here and there. If it’s important- it’s clear. It really
is. There aren’t secret passages telling us aliens are traipsing about and that
means it’s the end of the world. There aren’t hidden passages to “luciferian conspiracies”
Stop it!
For those of you who didn’t’ get the memo when you turned 18 and should’ve had some sense. YOUTUBE IS UNREGULATED AND NOT A RELIABLE SOURCE OF INFORMATION.
I could (and just may) make youtube posts posturing any idea
I want. I could sit and pick a part any song (a favorite past time of these so
called Christians who are seeking secret knowledge) and make it have any
message I want it to.
I can watch any
Katy Perry and circle every motion she makes and every prop she uses and
attribute it to an illuminati grand conspiracy signaling its time for the
aliens to come and colonize the planet or whatever the fresh hell these people
This is not the job of a pastor. And you should not listen
to a “pastor” who is leading you into this!You shouldn't listen to anyone leading you into this!
This is where people like Westboro Baptist come from people.
One messed up whacka doo gets an agenda in his head, starts twisting scripture
to fit his agenda and publishes it and people believe.
“But he’s a PASTOR WE
No you can’t.
The title means nothing it’s the spirit behind it.
Test, always test, (or if youre a potter fan CONSTANT VIGILANCE) what you are being told.
If it doesn’t line
up with scripture, if it requires you to read apocryphal sources, if it says
that God hid this truth… it is not truth. That man or woman is not speaking
truth to you – no matter what title they hold. We are to flee false teaching!
Flee it!
It takes root in your brain and wars with truth.
It puts
fear into your mind and we all know fear is not of God.
Flee that.
Some people set out to lead people astray.
Some are good hearted people who have themselves been led
astray with their obsessions and desires. Some its arrogance thinking they have
this secret knowledge that the common less spiritual beneath them just don’t
have the intelligence or spirituality to discern.
Both sets- the intent to harm and the they themselves misguided set – both equally dangerous.
Preaching false doctrines as a pastor is dangerous because
some people blindly will follow you off that cliff. The title comes in immediate
respect and trust. Its been abused since its inception and still people blindly
Stop blindly trusting, folks, because this isn’t just going on
in weird little sects in the world with the next Jim Jones, its happening in my
own back yard and your own back yard.
I’ve had to leave such a church myself. Let me tell you God was pretty clear when
things were pointing to weird teachings. We prayed one night please direct us
do we need to leave now, or stay awhile and support some friends that are still
there, til they leave staying in our positions to help them …the next morning
during church all I heard was GO NOW GO NOW. (tony too) And felt like a curtain had been
lifted off my eyes and saw and felt an unsavory sense of dread and "impending
doom" seems so dramatic but that was the sense I got and what came to mind to describe it immediately. My skin crawled.
Feelings of the sense of darkness and all in a church service.
I’m totally not one of these people to see a devil around
every corner and will give a big eye roll and audible sigh to people who are
like that- but that is what it felt like.
Something wicked this way comes…
was something not at all right, not at all okay and all under the guise of
Jesus. (Although his name isn’t mentioned much bc he’s a bout grace not the
heavy hand of the law…)
Be wise be alert. Wolves in sheep’s clothing and all that.
This has been long and I’m sure since I’ve said something I’ll
be attacked again. Last time I did affiliated people decided to try and put my
11 year old on public blast numerous times posting a photo of her and a Disney
character (jack skellington) on fb and calling her evil for the photo. And of
course me stupid and lacking of spirituality for allowing to her pose with A
every Christian curse in the book, and told God told them he was coming after
me. Apparently he meant coming after me with blessings because Tony got a
promotion a couple days later…so…bring it?
Anyway, I don’t even care anymore.
A lot of people who know
these truths keep their mouths shut because either theyre in church leadership
elsewhere and well you can’t really say things as bluntly, or they have to deal
with these people involved in other aspects of their life.
I don’t and I’m worried
about all the people being led astray. I’m sorry (not sorry) but if someone is
preaching false teachings and I know it and I know I have friends there who are
listening to it I feel like I have an obligation to warn them.
I don’t want
that on my hands.
Even though, if you sit through it and allow yourself to be led
astray you will be held accountable for not testing what you heard with (not
youtube) the word of God because he wrote it plainly for you to see, but If I can
help someone wake up from the spell of delusion they’re under I’m going to.
just thankful that I’m somewhere now that has untwisted my mind because even
though raised in church and as someone who knows the bible, went to Evangel
University (bible college) and loves God and his word when you sit under that preaching
it warps your mind and what you know. Thank God we are somewhere that just I
feel like literally bleach washes my brain from that nonsesne. Every service I come away with more
clarity and realization that we serve a God of love who seeks our best not one
of punishment hate and fear who wants to taze us every time we miss a service
or slip up or just don’t measure up.
Thank God I’m not hearing that Nephilim are
aliens and currently raping women on the earth because it’s the days of Noah
again (not that I’d believe that insanity but some are believing that)
Thank God I am in a church where the Book of Enoch is not
sourced literature nor is Derek the 28 year old mama basement dweller who has
the inside scoop on all the pop stars…or in a church that brings in alien
hunters like LA marzulli and Russ Dizdar- a man who in his book about Satanic
Ritual Abuse ( you know the big scam of the 80s) that children are used by the
devil and the CIA yes that CIA as plants in churches to kill people. YES
People wake the heck up its not ok.
And just to further drive the point home this song Feel the Light
by JLO is not a luciferian conspiracy. The song has 56 words its not that deep.
No the fact that stars were projected on her enormous dress does not mean it’s
a Luciferian conspiracy. As the end of the performance showed, it was an
elaborate ad for her new movie Home. Which gasp has a cartoon alien (Nephilim? Hmmm). You can make anything into anything withna
little imagination and a whole heck of a lot of time on your daggone hands.
Just like my husband pointed out this song sung by someone else say Casting Crowns
could totally be a Christian song. (Of course we all know the contemporary Christian
music industry is illuminati right? Toby Mac I’m looking at you) sigh.
Btw this JLo nonsesne( i dont' even like JLo) is what prompted this post. I addressed my concerns with the source who deleted the initial Jlo conspiracy and reposted it then said ya know what if you have issue post it on your own page. Ooookay here is what I am posting, at your direction. My concerns on my page as directed...
Please people use discernment. If a pastor posts a link to
some youtube creeper and recommends said youtube creeper as a source of knowledge… and also says they don’t
agree with everything they say but is directing his or her flock there ANYWAY.
There is something wrong.
Deeply, troublingly wrong.
And its ok to care about
that person but please do it from a healthy church where you aren’t being led
into an obsession of the occult. Because yes someone can be delving into the
occult and be "against “the occult. It’s the unhealthy obsession with the
belief in the false teachings that is harmful.
If you want to check out the link to the JLo nonsense here it is. And unlike some pastors who claim its full of truths that will enlighten
your mind to the grand luciferian conspiracy around you and the big alien plot…
I will tell you it drivel, bunk, insanity and poorly done. Just because something
remind some youtube person of something doesn’t make it what the song means.But thats the basis of all the "facts" in this video. Just like Katy perry dancing with sharks at the super bowl reminded this or another youtube creeeper of some alien bible prophecy.
Put your trust in wise people with discernment seeking truth not chasing after their own desires and
itching ears...
Above church mentioned - we had lots of misgivings but didnt listen even though we knew things were messed up. Thankfully, (because we realized not only is scripture being twisted but flat out nonsense is being preached and made us realize we need to leave) one day a youtube video called Placebo was shown as the sermon that says Satan allows you to think you're saved when you ask Jesus in your heart yet you die and hahah jokes on you you were not. INSANE and this video was presented not just as fact but as the most important thing the pastor ever saw and is still shared as that.
If you want a good laugh or shock read the transcript of that youtube . The "preacher" died and shared this vision when he came back God threw him around the throne room (is it thrown room?) because he wasn't good enough. Wasn't even really saved after decades of ministry. Also, apparently demons look like middle aged men in shabby gray suits (Matlock?!)
Also, the treasures in heaven verse being twisted in the offering the previous week to mean instead of storing our treasures in heaven as in heavenly rewards investing in eternity making an impact for the kingdom was twisted to mean you tithe because God takes that money and send you treasures from heaven down to you like big cars and houses . for real. disgusting. This and the placebo made us realize we couldnt stomach anymore. Its only gotten worse from what people tell me and what I see distributed by the church itself- proudly.
Please stop sitting through non sense people. Being so misguided you preach this- means you shouldn't be preaching.
itching ears...
Above church mentioned - we had lots of misgivings but didnt listen even though we knew things were messed up. Thankfully, (because we realized not only is scripture being twisted but flat out nonsense is being preached and made us realize we need to leave) one day a youtube video called Placebo was shown as the sermon that says Satan allows you to think you're saved when you ask Jesus in your heart yet you die and hahah jokes on you you were not. INSANE and this video was presented not just as fact but as the most important thing the pastor ever saw and is still shared as that.
If you want a good laugh or shock read the transcript of that youtube . The "preacher" died and shared this vision when he came back God threw him around the throne room (is it thrown room?) because he wasn't good enough. Wasn't even really saved after decades of ministry. Also, apparently demons look like middle aged men in shabby gray suits (Matlock?!)
Also, the treasures in heaven verse being twisted in the offering the previous week to mean instead of storing our treasures in heaven as in heavenly rewards investing in eternity making an impact for the kingdom was twisted to mean you tithe because God takes that money and send you treasures from heaven down to you like big cars and houses . for real. disgusting. This and the placebo made us realize we couldnt stomach anymore. Its only gotten worse from what people tell me and what I see distributed by the church itself- proudly.
Please stop sitting through non sense people. Being so misguided you preach this- means you shouldn't be preaching.
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