Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Project life Week 22

Week 22- May 31 to June 5

This was a very eventful week! It was Laci's last week of school and also the week of her dance recital.

We spent our time at school functions and field trips and dance rehearsals!

On top of all that activity our cousins who now live in Colorado came in for a visit. It was nice because Ashlyn used to clog and was able to go to Laci's recital.

Ashlyn and Ella at a picnic celebrating Jeff and Shelli's anniversary. They've become great buddies over this week.

I got an unexpected package Monday afternoon. Inside was a little sushi from my
cousin Heidi. She's a Doctor she okayed me eating
little guys like him while pregnant. We
even went out for some a couple weeks ago
when she was in for a visit.

Laci and Allison on a field trip to Slinky's Action Zone.
Its kind of like Chuck E. Cheese. They had a great time!

Ella's first meal (a hot dog) in her new home. HER new home.
She considers that house all hers and the cows as well.
You can also see where she already got ketchup on
our brand new pretty door.
She'll have the new house broken in
in no time!

Laci's last day of school was a field day
put on by Pastor Troy and his wife Barbara.
They're the children's pastors at the church
her school is based out of.
They are also the parents of her good friend Allison.
I'm so glad Laci and Allison have become close over the last
year. She's a very sweet girl and they seem to get along
very well!
Ella does not like the heat and left field day very early.
I only got this one picture of them together.

Show time!
Friday was the first night of recitals for Laci's dance studio.
They put on a beautiful show as usual. Her teacher Beth really
knows how to do things right!
This year they added a Father/daughter dance to the song
King of the World.
I was sobbing long before Laci was twirled onto stage by her daddy.
It was a very nice night!

Night 2 of the dance rectial-
I helped backstage so I got to see what dancers do
while they wait their turn...
Play and make messes!
The feet in the left bottom corner are
my sister LeighAnnes (you can see her in pink
in the opposite corner). They are
clogging shoes but she said
she felt Amish in them.
So I had to take a picture-
without her knowing.


  1. Wow, what great pictures. Looks like you had a busy/great week!

    Love your blog design~

  2. Thanks Susan I can't remember where its from :S I'll try and find the site. Its the same place my last one was from- just bored and needed a change!

  3. Love it! Great pictures and story. What a lovely family.
