Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Project Life Week 23

Some pictures I took after Laci's recital on Sunday.

Tony let Laci drive the car around for the first time at the farm lol. It was scary.
Ella hanging out in the upstairs bathroom. First time we saw it framed in.

Laci got to visit Cat Deely and her kittens in the barn for the first time. There are 4. Three gray and one black and white.
The girls making English Muffin pizzas. They had fun making them but didn't eat them Spoiled kids. I thought all kids liked these.
I loved Ella's little feet in these Old Navy gladiator sandals. Just had to take a picture of her little pink toes.
This is my Ella sleeping sweetly. This night inspired the blog below.

I forgot earlier to add the 3d ultrasound of the baby! Here is a profile picture of her. She was head down and kept putting her arms in front of her face so not cooperating for the tech as usual. We went in for a retake of her spine since she didn't give them a good look last time. It was just a normal ultrasound but she switched to the 3d mode at the end just to give us a look which was nice because I've never had one before.
Everything looks good and she was weighing about 2lbs 3 oz which surprised me because that sounds high for 26 weeks but the tech said no its normal...


  1. Your girls are adorable! Love the picture of Ella sleeping. So sweet! Congrats on the new baby that's so exciting!
